
Recently Cam Mortenson over at The Fiberglass Manifesto posted about Eight Essential Pieces of gear for camping.  Cam hits the nail on the head with all eight and I agree, each plays a key role in having a great camping trip.  Give it a read and see how it stacks up with your standard kit.  

While I couldn't agree more with Cam and his eight, I have to say there's one critical piece of kit that is essential in my book - the JetBoil.  

From the little things to the big things, the JetBoil has me covered.  Breakfast and coffee, warm lunch and a great way to boil water for a quick freeze dried meal for dinner.  For a Midwest guy like me, warm food and drink on a cold day on the water can be a game changer.  And I won't lie, leaking waders actually come in handy when you're pouring near boiling water on them in nine degree temperatures.  It's been all over Michigan, Wisconsin, even Iowa and been one of the best cooking companions I've found.  With it's french press adaptor, it'll have a cup of joe ready for your mug in under 5 minutes.  Anytime the temps drop, it's always nice to find relief so quick.  And the JetBoil has yet to disappoint.