Fishing This Weekend?

Be sure to check out local stream reports to see what they're hitting on!

For the best in the Midwest, check these out:

Reports are saying the bite is on up north on the PM and throughout the Lake Michigan fishery.  If you're looking for a day on the water, visit Jeff Hubbard at Outfitters North.


I'm heading up to the Driftless this weekend and hoping the forecasted rain stays away on Saturday and the BWO's and hoppers are on the menu.  If you're heading up, be sure to drop by the Driftless Angler for some Morrish Hoppers!

Illinois Smallmouth Alliance - Cast and Compare

This past weekend, the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance hosted their Cast and Compare event on the Fox River, giving their members the chance to see what's hot on the market and what's coming down the pipe later this year.  

With Dave and Doug from Sage and Redington there to help fine tune your casting, or make an educated recommendation on rod and reel choices, as well as Jeremy from DuPage Fly Fishing Co., there were plenty of options to cast.  There were speycasting lessons, and even kayaks to check out.  

In a rush out the door, I figured I'd grab a few rods to bring along.  I only have at best, middle of the road graphite rods, but take a lot of pride in my glass collection, as they've all come out of my kitchen (I mean shop).  With the blanks available on the market these days, building is simple and a great way to stay connected to fly fishing in the winter.  It's not a big collection, but I recently completed a 7'6" Katbuto 4 weight, started my collection with a 7' Lamiglass 3 weight, and added a Blue Halo (Gen 1) 8' 5 weight along the way.  Each built with the help of Eric Heckman from Coren's Rod and Reel, and with a lot of pride.  

The Kabuto seemed to be a hit, and I was thrilled when a people liked it enough to request a build of their own.  I've always loved to start building rods for other people, but other than a favor here and there, and a rod for my pop, I prefer to keep them in house.  So it's a great feeling when someone appreciates the work you've done.  

It was an all around great day and I had a blast casting some great new rods, some old school original glass and fell in love with the newer Sage reels.  All around a great day, met some really cool new people, found some rods I may have to consider in the future, and have already started putting my pennies away in hopes of getting a new Sage reel this winter.