Oak and Oscar HQ visit

To say I’m a watch guy, is a new thing for me to admit aloud, but something I’ve known most of my life. I don’t know why, but I’ve been drawn to watches since I was a little kid. So before I talk about my visit, I figure I should give a bit of background on how I got here.

My grandfather was an Omega guy, and had two beautiful automatic Seamasters he coveted. Unless he was playing golf, he pretty much always had one on. (I’m blessed to have these in my collection today.) My dad has never been a collector, nor was he big in to any brands, but almost always has one on. He’s been a Seiko and Citizen guy for years, and rocked the same Timex for probably 15 years when I was growing up. He owned a couple of nicer watches, which he wore when he and my mother would get dressed up. One was an automatic watch she gave him for their wedding, which broke. The other was a lovely Raymond Weil, two tone bracelet, that’s still ticking. In fact, when the Ryder Cup came to visit Medinah Country Club, my mom bought my dad a lovely Ryder Cup themed Omega. My dad, though appreciative, didn’t think he’d ever wear something so nice, and asked to return it. Doh!

Mechanisms have always fascinated me, both in clocks and watches, as well as the mechanisms in machinery. I work in engineering and manufacturing for my day job, and understanding how things work has been a passion of mine for a long time. One of my favorite parts of my job is walking a manufacturing floor with a customer and asking questions on all the various processes and parts that go in to what they make and sell. It’s actually part of how I discovered Oak and Oscar.

I can’t remember exactly when I got my first watch, but ever since I can remember, I’ve worn one, and over time, have come to realize that you can have a lot fun with it. From what I can remember, one of my first true watches was a Swatch. I had a few growing up and remember being pretty rough on them, and going through a few. Once I had grown out of Swatches, I graduated to digital watches - an old G Shock I got while on vacation in Hawaii, because after one surf lesson, of course you need a surf watch, then a couple Casio watches until they wore out. When I hit middle school and high school it was chunky metal bands from the likes of Fossil, and Kenneth Cole.

My “collecting” began after graduating U of Illinois, and getting in to full time work. I had a couple of decent looking watches, but none were over about $65 at the time, had cheap quartz movements, and always seemed out of battery. As I was making a bit more cash, and still living at home, I thought it might be cool to buy something a bit more expensive, from a more reputable watch maker, maybe even something Swiss. Quickly I accrued a few different pieces, Timex, Hamilton, ESQ and Seiko - but all quartz movements. It was only after a few conversations with a customer, that I learned how big a difference there is between the two types of movements. I loved all the watches. I bought them all for looks, and I do love the way they look. It wasn’t until my bought me my first automatic - a Tissot Chronograph, as a wedding gift, that it all clicked and I remembered back to my conversations with my customer, that inside this watch was such an amazing piece of engineering.

Being able to bridge the gap between my hobbies and work is something I love. I’ve marked most of the milestones of my career with the different quartz watches noted above. The deal with a foods company here in Chicago, I bought my first chronograph Timex. When I placed my first Director level Engineering executive, I bought a flashy rubber banded chronograph Seiko. It just became a fun way to celebrate. But after the Tissot, I said no to expanding the quartz collection, and began to see what timepieces were out there.

I first noticed Oak and Oscar on the wrist of outdoor and fishing photographer Dave Fason. He had taken it on a bunch of different adventures, and I believe wore it on a few different bands. I’m not a bracelet guy, so seeing all the different band options, plus the clean look of his white faced Olmstead caught my eye. When I saw their nods to Chicago in the name and design, I started doing some research on how and where they were made. I had no idea the size of their operations, and thought I might be able to call on them for work. After seeing they’re made here in the city, I knew I needed to hatch a plan to get my hands on one. When I first did some investigating I was on the precipice of changing jobs, and thought this could be the perfect life/work event to celebrate with a new watch.

Time passed and as I landed that new gig, and got to work landing my first seven figure deal, the opportunity to move on the Olmstead was near. As I took hold of the PO and signed all our service agreements, I kept the Olmstead in my virtual cart, even knowing they were out of stock. It was still great to process my order, and get in the queue. It wasn’t long before I received my email noting the watch was ready, which also included an invitation to come and take delivery at the HQ in downtown.

Chase and the team were great to meet and chat with while enjoying a beer and wandering the shop. It was a treat to see Nathan’s bench, and see some of the work he was doing. It’s amazing what he can do with the tools he has, and it’s incredible the unique small batch watches he’s done. Their office was awesome, and all too familiar - baseball mitts strewn about, fishing and fly fishing chochkees on different tables and shelves, and a cabinet full of bourbon. I’m a beer guy, so it’s a beer fridge, but all in all, it felt comfortable, and having the other owners there as well made it all very welcoming.

I’ve since had the chance to get to know Chase and spent a few days with the team and some owners in the Driftless last summer. It’s really a community of owners, and some really great people. I’ve gotten help with my photography, talked fishing and golf, learned about cooking and chef’s knives, and have always been pleasantly surprised how great the people are. It’s great to see what Chase has developed, extends beyond the watches. And all the while, he’s still developing some amazing time pieces - if you haven’t check out the Atwood.

Want to experience the same? Just drop them a note. Their office is always open to visitors with an RSVP and I highly recommend you take them up on the visit. I’m sure they’ll have a cold beer or a pour of bourbon on hand, and ready to share.

Random Golf Club Mad Scramble - Vernon Hills 2024

Erik -

Dude, thank you. Thanks for making a unique experience, full of great times and outstanding folks. Thanks for providing the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, to grab my camera and walk around with some like minded people with a common passion.

Everyone who had been to a previous event, noted how much fun they’d had. But honestly, I was surprised when I realized the golf wasn’t the highlight. Seeing all the smiles, the joy of a good shot EVERYONE experienced, and even the woes of a hosel rocket through the “shank zone” - all have become memories I’ll enjoy looking back on for years.

It’s fun being part of a golf community, and what I saw last week was truly the epitome of a golf community. If only for a day, or for a short buddy trip, it’s great to be around a bunch of degenerate “athletes”, meeting new people and crafting memories. You provided the framework for an amazing time, the opportunity to experience everything we see on social media, and feel what it’s like to be a part of the Random Golf Club. There were some amazing golfers, some not so great golfers, and everything in between. And everyone seemed to have a great time.

I appreciated the opportunity to snap a few pictures along the way, and considered it a treat to walk up the fairway with you, and soak it all in. It’s fun watching folks have fun. The older I get, it seems I get more and more enjoyment out of watching people and making people smile, than ever before.

From the outside, it seems like you know what you have here in this community, and you really truly appreciate it. That’s one of the things that drew me to RGC, and it’s pretty cool to have met you and see it in real life.

So again, thanks for having the gumption to develop and build RGC and bringing all of us along for the journey.

Good luck the rest of the way to you and your team, and can’t wait to run it again in 2025.

Brad (Random guy with the camera)


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Interview with a Maker - Shawn Gillespie of Decks 2 Divots

When you look at social media, and it’s impact, both positively and negatively on society, it seems that depending on your age, a lot of what you get back relates to how much you put it in. As in, a lot of times, to get more out of your social media experience, you need to put a bit more in to social media. By that I mean, if you interact with the folks making the content, they often will interact back with you.

Liking a message is one way, but engaging in their content, asking or answering questions, and going beyond just consuming, gives the opportunity for interaction. Some people enjoy the interaction, some people troll. I’d like to think of myself as the former, and someone who enjoys asking questions to learn more.

When it comes to woodworking, rod building, fly tying, or honestly, any of the things I call hobbies, I’ll often watch something multiple times. When I happened to see Shawn’s account come across my feed, the colors in the wood in his projects, and the overlaid golf theme, caught my eye and I dove in to his feed on Instagram.

Before I knew it, we were exchanging messages about different projects, woodworking techniques, and different ways of doing the same things. We even realized we both had a passion for fly fishing and hockey.

I thought I’d try and use this platform to introduce you to Shawn, and talk a bit more about him and what he’s doing. Here’s a short interview he was kind enough to provide. Thanks Shawn!

Can you please introduce yourself? Shawn Gillespie. I run Decks 2 Divots, a brand based around one of a kind golf tools created from broken skateboards.

I know we both enjoy golfing with our wives, but how does the rest of the family feel about the game? I’ve gotten my youngest into it a little bit. She only lasts about six or seven holes before she is done. But she does have fun though. 

How long have you been playing golf? I started golfing when I was 4. I tried to play as much as I could between playing hockey and baseball. 

What got you get in to golf? My Papa got me into it when I was 4. He would always take me to his local club whenever he could. He taught me everything and I still think of him while out playing to this day. 

Not just golf, but I know you’re in to fly fishing and fly tying as well.  How often are you able to get out these days?  Not as much as I want to. I have two spring fed ponds in the back yard that are stocked with bass and perch. Always take a rod out when I collect golf balls and see what biting. 

How did you get in to fly fishing? My buddy Adam was into it back in the day and would go up to Pulaski, NY. He helped develop my interest. We’d also go chase small mouth and stripe bass off the shore in NJ. 

Where are you located, and what types of fly fishing do you like to do? Located in Pipersville, PA, about 45 minutes west of Philly. These days we do small ponds or when my buddy wants to take his boat out and hit the back bay of Jersey Shore. 

We met through Insta via your handle @Decks 2 Divots.  Tell me a bit about what you’re doing over there. I recycle skate decks into golf tools. Ball markers, divot tools, golf trophies, wood valet trays, tees and more. Recently, I’ve also started making putters and displays for tools and clubs. 

How did you get in to taking skateboards and turning them in to golf related items? Started 3 years ago for the golf league I’m in. Wanted to make some divot tools for the guys as an appreciation for letting me in. 

How much woodworking experience did you have prior to starting D2D? Not much at all and still learning every day. Have a great core of people I lean on that give me tips and advice. 

Any chance we’ll see a fly tying bench?  Have the pieces cut and need to get it done soon. Hoping (to have it done soon). 

What are your “standard” products? Ball markers,Divot tools, tees and displays. 

Where do you get your inspiration for new products? Mostly get asked to make custom pieces. From there I try to go off that for others and 1/1’s.

How often are you asked to make a new product?  Want to say at least once a week. 

How do you source your decks and raw materials? Have a local skateboard shop that donates the boards. Also have a few friends that skate and ship them to me. Regular wood I get from a local lumber mill that has them kiln dried. 

I see the putters coming out of your shop, tell me a bit about the process you’ve got to go through to make one of those?  They take some time for sure. I cut a few different colors from boards. Glue them up and shape them with a dremel and band saw. I add lead weight to get them to a standard 350-375 grams. Add some copper to the bottom and hand stamp them. 

What’s your workshop situation?  You’re in a garage like me, right? I have taken over an old part of a garage that was once a slaughter house to the old farm we live on. I ended up insulating it and even put pallets and flooring down to get me off the old concrete. 

Where can people buy your stuff?  Can always check instagram or a few pieces on my website that needs to be updated this winter. Decks2Divots.com

How can folks connect for custom work? Can always hit me up on Instagram or send me an email to Decks2Divots@gmail.com

Where do you see all this going in the long run?  Have any particular goals you’re shooting for? Would love to make more custom work for individuals and maybe even some golf courses. Always shooting for more fun projects that test my skills and learn how to make them better. 

A huge thanks to Shawn for taking the time to respond to my questions, and thanks for making it this far. Be sure to go check out his IG @decks_2_divots, and for sure go buy a tool, tray or marker!